How Solo Travelers Can Explore With Trafalgar Is Changing

Posted on 04/01/2022

As the world starts to open up after the pandemic, travel demand continues to rise. More and more people are dusting off their bucket lists and planning to get out there and explore the world. If you’re thinking about taking the plunge and jetting off on a solo trip, there’s no better time to do it. Trafalgar is making it easier for solo travelers to return to travel with our new solo traveler offerings like reduced and free single supplements. Want to learn more? Read on to find out why more people are travelling solo and all the improvements you can look forward to when you take your next solo trip with Trafalgar.

Who is traveling solo?
If you’ve ever traveled solo or dreamed about taking a trip for one, you’re not alone. The 2021 Solo Traveler Reader Survey found that 25% of all travelers are thinking of taking a solo trip and 15% of people surveyed have already taken a trip alone.

If you’re a woman thinking about solo travel, this is your time to shine! A whopping 84% of solo travelers are women, while 72% of surveyed women in the US have taken a solo trip. The ladies are loving solo travel so much that 59% of female solo travelers would travel alone again in the next 12 months.

Solo travel isn’t just a young person’s game either. While 25% of millennials in the US plan to take a solo trip in the next 12 months, the survey found that solo travelers over 55 shared the same sentiments as those aged under 55. The main difference was how they like to travel solo, with 65% of people aged 55+ preferring to travel in a group and 43% of people aged under 55 preferring group tours for their solo trips.

Why are people traveling solo?
So why does everyone want to travel solo? The survey found that 66% of people traveled solo because they wanted to see the world and didn’t want to wait for others, 56% of people said they like to do what they want when they want, and 48% of people said they like the feeling of freedom and independence. 
Does that sound like you? If you’re ready to embrace our freedom and dive into a solo trip with the support of a group tour, Trafalgar’s new solo traveler offerings are perfect for you.



Trafalgar’s new and improved options for solo travelers
Trafalgar has always had great options for solo travelers. Our solo vacation packages and guided tours have the perfect balance of enriching experiences and time to explore on your own, all with the support of a dedicated Travel Director and like-minded travelers. Now, we’re turning things up a notch and leading the industry with our amazing enhancements to our solo traveller offerings. If you’re travelling alone on a Trafalgar trip, you’ll now benefit from these options:

Twin Room Share
If you’re traveling alone but you’d still like to save money and get social by rooming with a like-minded traveler, we’re offering our twin room share option. All you have to do is book your trip and you’ll get matched with a same-sex traveler. So you’ll save more money for the fun stuff and maybe even make a lifelong friend while you’re at it.

Significantly Reduced Single Supplement
If you’ve ever looked at traveling solo on a group tour, you’ve probably baulked at the more expensive single supplement to have your own private room. But after a long day out exploring and having fun, sometimes you just want to come back to your own private room and chill out. And in a post-pandemic world, it makes sense to have your own space.

We get it. And we believe that traveling solo shouldn’t mean having to pay more. That’s why we’ve significantly reduced our single supplement. Now you can enjoy the privacy and peace of having your own room on your Trafalgar tour – and you won’t have to burn a hole through your travel budget to get it.

Free Single Supplement
It gets even better. Trafalgar is even now waiving the single supplement on a number of trips. So you can get your own private room without paying anything extra. Our free and reduced single supplements can be found on all our tours across all seven continents… You’ll be spoiled for choice!

Trafalgar is so excited to be able to help solo travelers get back out there doing what they love. Whether you’re an experienced solo traveler or you’re doing it alone for the first time, you’ll love the ease, freedom and fun you always get when traveling with Trafalgar – and now without extra solo travel costs. 

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